What are the benefits?

NeurOptimal® Effectiveness
A survey on the effectiveness of NeurOptimal® training was conducted with the help of both NeurOptimal® users and trainers. Successful outcomes have been reported in the following categories:
Physical, emotional and cognitive challenges
Slowing the effects of brain aging
Enhancing academic performance
Experiencing increased personal wellness
Achieving peak physical/artistic performance

Overcoming physical, emotional and cognitive challenges

NeurOptimal® has been very effective in helping depression and reducing anxiety. There have been numerous world wide research projects and several conferences on the efficacy of neurofeedback to address issues arising from ADD/ADHD, PTSD, Autism, Impaired memory, Sleep issues/Insomnia, Chemo Brain, Headaches/Migraines, Traumatic Brain Injury and other issues. The FDA as approved neurofeedback as effective for stress reduction. Studies in the U.S. and Norway have found Neurofeedback to be just as effective as Ritalin for treating children with ADHD.

Note: As of November, 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has endorsed neurofeedback as a “Level 1/Best Support” Intervention for children with ADHD.  Furthermore, many  studies have equated neurofeedback with medication in terms of efficacy for ADHD.

Slowing the effects of brain aging

As we age, our brains begin to shrink, experiencing reduced cognitive function and the ‘good feeling’ chemicals decrease affecting memory and cognition. This process speeds up after the age of forty. NeurOptimal® can slow down and even reverse these age-related effects. Neurofeedback training also encourages and enhances healthy dietary habits and regular exercise that will further slow down the effects of aging.

Enhancing academic performance

NeurOptimal® helps with concentration, mental focus and the ability to engage, resulting in an increase in attention span. Students of all ages use NeurOptimal® as tool to learn more quickly and effectively and retain more of what they read and study, thus improving over all academic performance. The improved quality of sleep as a result of brain training allows the brain to function more effectively, achieving better academic results. Teachers and parents often notice positive changes in their children’s performance and behavior after just a few sessions.

Experiencing increased personal wellness

Neurofeedback calms the central nervous system, allowing symptoms and issues related to a variety of conditions to gradually fade away. In this way, NeurOptimal® encourages an overall positive mental outlook, thus improving our quality of life. The increased brain flexibility and resilience enhance our ability to respond to life’s challenges with greater ease. Psychotherapists use NeurOptimal to support and speed up their client’s progress. Some users find that NeurOptimal® deepens their meditation or spiritual practice. Neurofeedback training encourages and enhances healthy dietary habits and regular exercise that will further promote wellness.

Achieving peak physical/artistic performance

Athletes, both Olympic and professional as well as sports enthusiasts, executives, business people, students and performing artists are using NeurOptimal® to sharpen mental edge hoping to achieve peak performance. Elite athletes have reported improvement in physical performance and mental stamina. Improved mental focus can mean the difference between winning and losing or attaining personal bests.

“If the performances of world-class athletes are separated by hundredths, sometimes thousandths of a second, more strength or flexibility will not help them secure victory… It is tapping the potential of the mind and its intricate connection to the body that will provide the elusive edge.”
– Rael Isacowitz, 2006

Get In Touch

If you are new to neurofeedback, you probably have questions. As a NeurOptimal® user and trainer, I will be happy to share my personal and professional experience with you.